Emma Alexandra Hershberger

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Opening Up and Letting It Flow

Here on this wonderful home we call Earth, I am Emma. Emma Alexandra. This is the name I was born into and am living to fulfill. I am a lover and am learning to be a fighter. I live for the little moments that speak to my soul - my dogs’ whiskers and my man’s, the mica at the bottom of the river. I am a writer because it is my true expression. I am a creator because creation is what inspires me. I am an observer because that is how my soul thrives.  

In nature I find connection, grounding, my sense of self. When floating in the river or trekking through the woods, I hear and feel and see what I hear and feel and see. Everything just is. Nature will speak if you will listen, she will teach if you will offer your awareness, and she will help if you will ask. I have always adored being out there. I have early memories of the ocean, standing on our dog house to see baby birds in their nest, chewing on green pine needles, creating little forts in the woods, climbing trees, and spending endless hours wandering the creek by our house, following fish, and finding adventure. These were the seeds that called me back to nature when I was a little older and lost and alone. Even in the toughest of hours, staring into the petals of a flower or watching birds be just on the other side of my window quietly lay a narrow path leading back to my center. Through nature, God has nurtured me and so I live to nurture her and our relationship. Existing as we are together.

A connection with nature fosters a connection with other beings because all thrive from the same thing - love, awareness, grace and each other. I am here to express this passion, and words are my expression. I love the way words flow, making their way through my eyes, to the pores of my skin, making my hair raise with their undertow of honesty, of wonder, of magic. I don’t know for sure where this sharing will lead, but when a feeling shakes your insides it must be free. Free to flow. I am opening my heart to let it all out and to welcome it all in.

And so as I start this new endeavor, I wish to invoke welcome, belonging, and awe. I truly believe we are all connected, everyone, everything, everywhere.

May our hearts and soul eyes and soul ears be open.

May we trust ourselves.

May we live with abandon.

May we connect deeper and more fully.

May we learn to live in love and spread love all over this world, each in our own way, all together.